Quick Start

Get started on Evefan in a few minutes!

Evefan enables developers to privately capture, transform and deliver customer events at any scale. Evefan is open source and self-hosted on Cloudflare workers. It can be configured either via Evefan Console or using Wrangler.

The quick start guide focuses on console configuring as it is recommended for most people but you can see alternative configuration options here.

1. Sign up

Create an Evefan account and confirm your email address on the console: http://console.evefan.com

2. Ensure Your Cloudflare Account Is Set Up

Evefan runs on Cloudflare Workers, and it requires a paid plan. You need to extract the account Id from it, create an API token and set it in the console. Here's a setup guide.

3. Add your First Source

Sources are unique applications that generate data; such as an iOS app or perhaps a web server. They are identified by write keys.

Create your first source by going to the Sources page and extract a unique write key for each source that you need.

4. Setup your First Destination

Destinations are where the data ends up. It can be a database, an analytics service, or a third-party API.

Note that by default, Evefan sends data to destinations in batches. You can configure these settings in the Advanced Config section 👩🏼‍🔬

5. Deploy Environment

You can deploy your environment once you have set up at least one destination. You can do so by pressing the Launch Environment button on the top right of the screen.

This will take you through the deploy flow, which should take around a minute.

6. Start Sending Data

You can now send your first event! To do this, you will need the environment's host, which can be extracted from the Events page.

You can send your first event 🎉

curl -X POST "<EVEFAN_HOST>/track" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "event": "MY_FIRST_EVENT",

You can verify that the data arrives at the configured destination(s)!

Next Steps: Integrating your sources

Select your preferred client library in our Sending Data section.

Last updated